Patrick Berghman's commitment
Nature as your guide
In Patrick Berghman's eyes, producing a quality product that was better recognised on the market was important, but not an end in itself.
His conviction:
- la qualité globale est avant tout la conséquence d’équilibres restaurés.
- The need to think in terms of cultivated ecosystems rather than monoculture orchards.
- Reconnecting with biodiversity... to be mindful and attentive to the richness of the soil... that's the main thing!
With Nature as our guide, organic farming was a natural choice.
Since the end of the 1980s, the estate has been converted to organic farming.

Committed to an eco-responsible production approach, our procedures are based on sustainable development and respect for the environment and people.
Organic certification
Since the end of the 1980s, the estate has been converted to organic farming.
Our land, our orchards and the entire environment of the estate are subject to these demanding constraints, which are voluntarily accepted.
The same applies to storage and packaging facilities.
Chaque année nos certificats sont renouvelés. Nous nous soumettons aux analyses, répondons aux vérifications des points de contrôle et sommes donc conformes aux normes AB.
The AB specifications are particularly demanding:
- limit defence strategies against pests
- reduction in direct plant nutrition using conventional synthetic fertilisers.
- …
PGI, a commitment to quality
Today, our clementines and pomelos have a protected geographical indication (PGI). The Corsican clementine was awarded the PGI in 2007 and the pomelo in 2014.
This is an official European quality mark. It implies that the production and packaging are based on the terroir of origin and meet strict specifications.
A commitment to quality that we have made, a requirement that we choose. It's also recognition of our expertise.
For Corsican clementines and pomelos, APRODEC* guarantees compliance with these rules.
The PGI guarantees the end consumer the quality and freshness of the fruit. The fruit is monitored from the moment it is picked - in the orchards - right up to the moment it is put on the shelves. Traceability is continuous and particularly demanding.
To meet the constraints of Organic Farming, commitment and work are all the more demanding.
Grass cover

The management of organic orchards requires, in particular, good control of grass cover. It's an ongoing task and a constant preoccupation. It is particularly important between spring and summer, when irrigation and temperatures favour grass growth.
Pour nos vergers, nous adaptons nos pratiques dans la gestion de l’enherbement :
mechanical brush,
crusher between the lines,
Clearing of undergrowth close to the feet,
Our aim is to maintain a balance so that the trees can express their full production potential.

La fertilisation

Fertilisation is also a key issue.
Converting to organic farming is much more than a simple change of habits. You can't replace one product with another. You need a global approach. Awareness and consideration of the ecosystem as a whole is essential.

Irrigation management is vital in an area where water savings are essential.
Optimising the amount of water used is a priority in terms of developing fruit production in terms of quantity and quality.
This requires a combination of
- reasoning based on a water balance
- tools for more precise knowledge of the soil's water status (tensiometric or capacitive probes)
- and observations of the behaviour of the trees (vigour, growth in fruit size, emergence of suckers, etc.).
We adjust the irrigation water to the real needs of each orchard.
We invite you to read Patrick Berghman's article on the subject:

Belonging to the Terre d'Agrumes producer organisation (PO) is a real asset.
It's by working with technicians and experimenting that things evolve and practices are refined.
- Gain a better understanding of nature and its flora and fauna by studying their biological cycles
- Greater respect for soil structure and soil life
- Ensuring quality fruit production using sustainable and environmentally-friendly methods
These 3 main areas are developed for organic farming within the PO.
We invite you to take a look at the practices implemented.